Counting the days to next WordCamp in Victoria

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 25 Anti Comment Spam Plugins

Flower Power

Its episode 25 and we have now hit a quarter century. Next episode we will be doing something special since it will be episode 26 and that was to the be the big one.

Announcing the launch of two great daily papers from The WordPress Plugin Daily and The WordPress Rockstars daily

We would also like to ask any band/musicians listening that would like some great promotions for their music to let us use their music for intros/outros and just some spice to the podcast.

We are discussing antispam plugins tonight this is due all the recent discussion about akisment, so much so that even my wife who knows nothing about WordPress heard about this issue.The old tower still stands
*bad behavior
*antispam bee

You can follow me on twitter @Ahkonsu Laura can be found on Twitter @Tefnuit