Auto Post Dating, Admin Column Layouts, Design Grids, Post List Management, Font Resizing
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WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 131
It’s episode #131 and we’ve got plugins for Auto Post Dating, Admin Column Layouts, Design Grids, Post List Management, Font Resizing and options for your user profile that we’ve been waiting YEARS for. All coming up next on WordPress Plugins A-Z.
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**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John**
WP-Font-Resizer 0.1
Version: 0.1
Author: Ahmedur Rahman Shovon
Last Updated: 15 hours ago
Requires WordPress Version: 2.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Downloaded: 27 times
The Lowdown:
Well as we all know at least those of us getting older that sometime font sizes matter and it would be nice to simply enlarge them if only temporarily. Well that is exactly what this one does in a simple way. Just install activate and it places a plus-minus button lower left of your page which people can adjust the font size for your site. It simply work but I think it would be nice to determine where it goes.
Rating 4 Dragons
An Enhanced UI for Post management 0.2
Version: 0.2
Author: Scott Kingsley Clark
Last Updated: 45 days ago
Requires WordPress Version: 3.5 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Downloaded: 411 times
The Lowdown:
I was looking for an easy way to srt posts in particular I was asked about a way to sort posts by recent edits and discovered this great one for doing some advanced sorting of your posts. It make doing the search easier and allow combining a couple of filters to find what you want.
Rating 3 Dragons
Codepress Admin Columns 1.4.9
Version: 1.4.9
Author: Codepress
Last Updated: 223 days ago
Requires WordPress Version: 3.1 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Downloaded: 44,319 times
The lowdown:
This has so much potential for organizing your content in your admin listings. you can add several columns to view and if you get the addon which is 25 euros you can even sort them. This is a great plugin for adding those columns and if you would like some info on customizing it yourself see this post.
Rating 4 Dragons
**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus**
Automatic Post Date Filler
Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.6
Last Updated: 2013-7-16
Downloads: 72
Automatic Post Date Filler has a lot of intriguing uses, especially for someone like me who adds scheduled content to over 70 different WordPress installs on a monthly basis. The plugin works by setting a custom date and time for scheduled posts. Sort of like a smart playlist, it uses variables like “Current Date + X days” or “Time from the Furthest Scheduled Post + X Minutes” to determine how you would like the system to automatically schedule your next post. This is a fantastic “on deck” model to handle scheduled posts, making sure that all posts are as evenly spaced out as possible when published. It’s also great to prevent a mass post dump from happening all at once by automatically applying the scheduling limitation rules. It also provides an alternative button in your post editor, “Publish Immediately” which will override the scheduling filters and publish without any time alterations.
Rating: 4 out of 5
WP HashGrid
Requires: 3.5 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.3-alpha
Last Updated: 2013-7-16
Downloads: 67
WP Hashgrid is a pure design and developer tool that acts as a grid overlay to your WordPress site. Implementing the hashgrid.js script to overlay a CSS-customizable grid, this plugin helps to keep things centered and in alignment. In the old days I used to print a grid on clear transparency sheets and tape them to the monitor for modifying and finalizing layouts. My, how far we’ve come! This is a good plugin to do either a full build from the ground up or simply to do an occasional spot check of your designs before launch.
Rating 4 out of 5
Better User Profile Fields
Requires: 3.0.1 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Last Updated: 2013-7-16
Downloads: 55
Better User Profile Fields is something that incorporates a multitude of Social networking profiles into the standard WordPress user profile including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Deviant Art and Tumblr. It can also use this data to populate different elements of your theme or content as well, simply by inserting PHP. For example, to add the Twitter profile URL of the user you would use get_author_meta(‘twitter’). Anyone who is a regular listener to WordPress Plugins A-Z knows that for years I have been screaming out for better usage of user profiles and the fields that we populate in them. This has all the elements to be a great plugin with a lot of great integration possibilities within themes and widgets. Something that has been lacking in WordPress for quite some time.
Rating 5 out of 5
**Rambling Last Words and Plugin Wrapup
John: Codepress Admin Columns , WP-Font-Resizer, Enhanced UI for Post management
Marcus: Automatic Post Date Filler – 4, WP HashGrid – 4, Better User Profile Fields – 5
Just some reminders:
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What’s coming in future podcasts:
Special guests with their own plugin picks.
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Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at
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