Show opener over a stone house

WP Pay Per View, Scout Tools, Fix Media Library and ClassicPress News in Episode 411

It's Episode 411 and I've got plugins for Selling your Videos, Re-Learning a lost Art, Fixing Media Library, and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
The show opener over a wild west saloon

Rebusify Verified Reviews, Email Users, WP Broken Link Status Checker and ClassicPress News in Episode 410

It's Episode 410 and I've got plugins for Verified Reviews for…

Interview 37 with Seth Shoultes from Event Espresso

Today's interview is with Seth Shoultes from Event Espresso. If you're a plugin developer and you'd like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.
The opener over a photo of a stable.

Shiprocket, Event Espresso, Data Tables Generator and ClassicPress News in Episode 409

It's Episode 409 and I've got plugins for WooCommerce Shipping, Managing Events, Data Tables, and Classic Press Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

Interview 36 with John Alarcon from CodePotent

Today's interview is with John Alarcon from CodePotent. If you're a plugin developer and you'd like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.
the logo and show opener over an image of someone fixing things to a saddle.

Infinity Snyc, Length Converter, Import Export WordPress Users, and Username Protection for ClassicPress options in Episode 408

It's Episode 408 and I've got plugins for Syncing WooCommerce and QuickBooks, Metric Conversions, Importing/Exporting Users, Username Protection, and Classic Press Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
Title of the show over a photo of a cactus in a field at sunset.

Interview 35 with Michael Nelson from Print My Blog Plugin

Today's interview is with Michael Nelson from Print My Blog. If you're a plugin developer and you'd like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.

Interview 34 with Ivan Giugni from

Today's interview is with Ivan Guini of If you're a plugin developer and you'd like to appear on the show, you can schedule an interview, donate your plugin for an upcoming contest, or submit your plugin for review.
the logo and show opener over a cowboy themed table.

WordPress Image Security & Compression Plugin – SmartFrame, Import Users from CSV, Remove Orphan Shortcodes, and ClassicPress Info in Episode 407

It's Episode 407 and I've got plugins for Image Compression, Importing and exporting user lists, Cleaning up old short Codes, and Whats happening for Classic Press. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

GraviTsheets, Stock Market Ticker, GamiPress, and Conditional Links for ClassicPress in Episode 406

It's Episode 406 and I've got plugins for Time Tracking, Stock…
It's Episode 404 and I've got plugins for Buddy Press Messaging, Comment Tagging, Cleaning up Wordpress, WordPress Honey Pot, and Classic Press Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!

BP Better Messages, WP Tag You, Remove noreferrer, Honeypot WooCommerce – WordPress AntiSpamn, and Add Twitter Cards for ClassicPress in Episode 404

It's Episode 404 and I've got plugins for Buddy Press Messaging, Comment Tagging, Cleaning up Wordpress, WordPress Honey Pot, and Classic Press Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!