The Tram

Crusaders for NuTemple Podcast Episode 12

We would like to thank Scott Thorpe for his music in show. WarCraft…
The Tram

Crusaders for NuTemple Podcast Episode 11

Yes we are still continuing this great podcast and here is episode…
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast Episode 11 M for MailPress

The plug-in for this podcast is MailPress and very good plug-in…
The Tram

The Crusaders for NuTemple are Back Episode 10

Welcome back to the Crusaders for NuTemple Podcast, yes we are…
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast Episode 11 L for Link Exchange - Ultimate Blogroll

Welcome back to WordPress Plug-Ins from A to Z for the letter L. You know for some letters it is nearly impossible to find an appropriate plug-in, but I will preserver anyway. Today I have a plug in that sort of meet s the criteria of the letter L, in that it has to do with linking for a WordPress Website. Today's plug-in is called Ultimate Blogroll. What this plug-in does is to set up a reciprocal linking system for your website. You know for all those people and emails you get that would like to exchange links with you.
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast Episode 10 K for KB-Linker and Kimili Flash Embed

We have reached a milestone now it is Episode 10 of WordPress…
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast – J for Joomla/Mambo to WP Migrator

It is time once again for another episode of WordPress Plug-ins…
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast – I for Internal Linking and iRobots.txt

Welcome to another edition of the WordPress Plug-ins from A to…
The Tram

WordPress 3.0.2 Securty Update Has Been Released

WordPress 3.0.2 was released yesterday and it is highly reccomended…
The Tram

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast – H for Headspace 2

Welcome to the WordPress Plug-ins from A to Z covering the letter H today. So what are we going to cover in today’s podcast we are going to cover Headspace 2 by John Godley of This is an excellent plug-in for SEO of your website.
The Tram

WordPress Category Box Missing for Editor level User after upgrade to WordPress 3

Ok so you have done an upgrade to your WordPress or all of a sudden, your editor or lower user level can no longer see the categories box when making or editing a post. Well here is how you fix that problem, it is a bit of a process and as a disclaimer this requires editing the database though a program such as phpMyadmin. So DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK, first make a backup of your database.
The Tram

WordPress Excessive Overloading of Your Server Solving The wp_cron.php Resource Issue

Disclaimer Try the below things to your WordPress site At…