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Why Adopt Social Media Marketing

Indeed, this triad of “new verbs” are both the result and the harbinger of the most prominent types of social networks and Social Media Marketing in the world today: personal and professional blogs (with RSS feeds so you can stay “tuned in”), Twitter (the “mini-blog” suited to the info-bites attitude and fast-forward pace of our lives in the 21st century), and Facebook (the global water-cooler). As the Bible says of Faith, Hope, and Love, these three remain. Blogging, Twitter, and Facebook: which is “the greatest of these” remains to be seen.
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Twitter: Followers, Niches, and Myths

Twitter has certainly emerged as one of the most popular social…
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Top 10 Tips for Using Twitter

When it comes to social media, no one “gets it” as well as Twitter. According to Econsultancy, as of Jan 2010, Twitter has 75 million user accounts, with about 15 million of that total being active users. See . That’s a lot of people sending a lot of Tweets. This micro-blogging service makes it easy for small businesses and entrepreneurs to stay in touch with those who choose to follow them, and stay updated on new products, services, special offers, industry news and more. It’s a win-win for both the Tweeter, and their followers.
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Next WordPress Advance Class

The next class for the Word Press Blog Building Advanced class is May 25 and 27 (6:30-9:00 pm) Course code: CO-318-1. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging tools on the web, making it easy for anybody to post their ideas, pictures, and audio/video. This Advanced Course teaches you how to get to get more from your WordPress Website.
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Events Reminder

WordCamp Victoria 2010 is on Saturday, May 15th, 2010. John Overall of Firedragon Hosting is one of the speakers for this event. The next class for the Word Press Blog Building Intro class is May 18 and 20 and the Word Press Blog Building Advanced class is May 25 and 27. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Dummies Guide To Facebook Marketing

Just a few short years ago, you had to encourage all your family and friends to join this social networking website (just after others convinced you to join). Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone who hasn’t got a Facebook account.
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How to Hard-Wire Your Site to Google

Until Bing turns into David and slays Goliath, the only search…
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Word Press Blog Building Intro class

The next class for the Word Press Blog Building Intro class is…
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Reverse SEO: Restoring Online Reputations

Reverse SEO fits seamlessly within the context of your online reputation management (ORM) program.It is the quickest, most effective solution for dealing with bad press that has surfaced on the search engines about you or your company. By pushing negative listings from the front page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, reverse SEO shields you from the damaging commentary of others. Negative publicity online has become one of the most frustrating challenges for companies. It is typically anonymous. Names are often unattached to forum threads, blog posts, and even entire websites. Therefore,it is difficult to track and address the source of the complaint. Moreover, the growing popularity of social networking platforms has made it easier than ever for anyone with a mild grievance to give weight to their grudge. If you or your company have been the target of bad press online, it may be time to launch a reverse SEO campaign. In this article, we’ll clarify how negative publicity gains traction within the search engines, and how it can lead to a public relations nightmare. We’ll also provide a working blueprint for executing a reverse SEO campaign and controlling the damage.
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The Google Duplicate Content Penalty: the Truth

The truth of the Google duplicate content penalty is quite simply that there is none! If that confuses you, then you have been reading too many misinformed forums or blogs where people get stuck on some popular term that they have no idea what it means, and then profess to be experts. The only experts on the Google duplicate content penalty, and the only people who are qualified to define it, are Google, and in Google’s own words “There is no such thing as a duplicate content penalty”. This comes directly from Google’s Webmaster Central Blog. That should be the end of this article, at precisely 96 words excluding title as I define my word count. But it is not. Why? Because even though this blog is operated by Google, and even though much the same has been stated by Matt Cutts, Google’s main software engineer, and other Google experts, people still argue and complain about the Google ‘duplicate content penalty’.
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LinkedIn – Best Practices For You and Your Business

LinkedIn is a professional, business networking tool that is too easily lumped into the social networking service. Even though many of the same modes of operation are employed, the focus is on professionals, professional dialog, professional opportunities, and companies. This list of LinkedIn best practices was compiled from my work with clients, colleagues and friends who are trying to maximize their professional opportunities. I hope it is also helpful for you.
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Installing and using Social Bookmarking Plugins on WordPress

Today I am going to cover a couple of different way you can add Social Bookmarking to your WordPress blog. Most everyone want their blog or website pages to be shared with the community at large and one great way to accomplish this is to add some buttons to your site to make it as easy as possible for your readers to share what they find on your site with others. Why would you want to add this to your site? Well the biggest reason is to help your readers share what you have to say with the world by adding either of the plugins discussed here you will be able to add some great interaction to your website and encourage the sharing of information with others. The two main plugins that I have tested out are Digg Digg and Sociable. Both these plugins work well but take different paths to accomplish similar goals. The biggest difference between the two is that with Digg Digg you will get large icons on your posts and with Sociable you will get a nice row of small icons linking off to the social websites. See the image below for a comparison of the different icons.