Easy Admin Quick Menu Plugin Review
“On WordPress Plugins A-Z #197 I reviewed Easy Admin Quick Menu. Here are the impressions of Marcus Couch and I of this plugin, as heard on the show.”
What I’ve got here, the last plugin I’ve got, WPBizPlugins Easy Admin Quick Menu. If you are looking for an easy way to create a menu for your users, say your developers, your clients need to know where certain things are at and you get the same phone calls for over and over such as how do i create a post, how do i fix menu, and this and that.
You can go on with this one, you create a custom menu that gets placed on the dashboard that you can link to those most important items and give it a description, colorized the menu. You can even put a button in there that would link directly to your own support, support email or form.
This is a really great way to make it easier for user's customer to be able to find that information without having to send you an email, wait for response, pick up the phone, whatever maybe.
So give it a check out. I gave it 4 dragon rating.
Very nice, little handy plugin. I like that.