
Reflections of Self
Reflections of Self
It's Episode 489 with plugins for Making Money, Widgetizing, Image Control and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z! Podcaster Kit – monetization of your podcast, Widgets on Pages and Posts, Grey Owl Thumbnail Resize Lite and ClassicPress options on Episode 488.

Lost & Wandering
It's Episode 488 with plugins for The Big Fake, Preventing Exploits, Snaked, Elementor, Stoping Spam, Sending Mail and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z! Fake Screen, GravityCaptcha, WP PHP Mail Check, Essential Addons for Elementor, WP Fingerprint, Snake and ClassicPress options on Episode 488.

Clearing the Deck
It's Episode 475 with plugins for Cleaning the Dashboard, Triggering, Rick Rolling, Deep Sixing the Spammers, Cornholing and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z! Popup Trigger URL for Elementor Pro, Portfolio Gallery – Image Gallery Plugin - Premiuim, Disable Admin Notices individually,, Secret Image Slide and Tune, Cornify for WordPress and ClassicPress options in Episode 475

Interview 52 with Christian Petroske from ShoutWorks
Today's interview is with Christian Petroske from ShoutWorks
ShoutWorks is not only the name of the company, but also the name of the plugin that was talked about in today's interview.

Interview 51 with Akshat Choudhary from BlogVault
Today's interview is with Akshat Choudhary from BlogVault

Fitting Into the New Box
It's Episode 442 and I've got plugins for Blocking Bots, Stopping the Nagging, Better Email Delivery, Editor Enrichment, Better Seo and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z! Stop WP Emails Going to Spam, StopBadBots, WP Remove Admin Register Nag, Enriched editor for ClasicPress, Rank Math and ClassicPress options in Episode 442

We Now Have 2020 Vision with the New Dawn
Silent Warning , WP Media Recovery, Easy Appointments, and ClassicPress options in Episode 441. It's Episode 441 and I've got plugins for Site Security, Media Recovery, Setting Appointment's, and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!