
Increase your Social Media connection in WordPress News & Tips #4
[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="lifted-both" width="550px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="2" border_color="#638259" ]WordPress Training Available:
There is a Webinar at 7pm PDT on Tuesday the 4th of September Click Here to Register
There is also a WordPress Level One Training Course in Victoria on September 29 & 30th from 9am to 3pm each day. Register now at[/dropshadowbox]
This Issues Training Video:
Installing and configuring Open Web Analytics plugin. Click here if you do not see it load>> [vsw id="fF_9b7_Ijqs" source="youtube" width="620" height="390" autoplay="no"]
Facebook, Password Protection, SEO on WordPress Plugins Episode 81
It’s Episode 81, and we’ve got more great plugins for Facebook,…

WP Clean Fix, Private Facebook, Share and Get it, Easy Digital Downloads - on WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 66
Plugins covered this episode: WP Clean Fix, Private Facebook,…

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode #56 -- Comments & Sliders
Flying the friendly SkysPlugins covered this episode:

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 49 Lazy Plugins
Today's show brings in some great lazy plugins that will help…

A Wandering Mind is a Dangerous Thing - WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 43
A Wandering Mind is a Dangerous Thing -- WordPress Plugins from…

Important SEO Plugins - WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 31
This week’s episode is about what we consider the most important…

WordPress Plugins from A to Z Podcast WordCamp Victoria Special
Welcome to another episode of the WordPress Plugins from…

Why Adopt Social Media Marketing
Indeed, this triad of “new verbs” are both the result and the harbinger of the most prominent types of social networks and Social Media Marketing in the world today: personal and professional blogs (with RSS feeds so you can stay “tuned in”), Twitter (the “mini-blog” suited to the info-bites attitude and fast-forward pace of our lives in the 21st century), and Facebook (the global water-cooler). As the Bible says of Faith, Hope, and Love, these three remain. Blogging, Twitter, and Facebook: which is “the greatest of these” remains to be seen.

Dummies Guide To Facebook Marketing
Just a few short years ago, you had to encourage all your family and friends to join this social networking website (just after others convinced you to join). Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone who hasn’t got a Facebook account.

Installing and using Social Bookmarking Plugins on WordPress
Today I am going to cover a couple of different way you can add Social Bookmarking to your WordPress blog. Most everyone want their blog or website pages to be shared with the community at large and one great way to accomplish this is to add some buttons to your site to make it as easy as possible for your readers to share what they find on your site with others.
Why would you want to add this to your site? Well the biggest reason is to help your readers share what you have to say with the world by adding either of the plugins discussed here you will be able to add some great interaction to your website and encourage the sharing of information with others.
The two main plugins that I have tested out are Digg Digg and Sociable. Both these plugins work well but take different paths to accomplish similar goals. The biggest difference between the two is that with Digg Digg you will get large icons on your posts and with Sociable you will get a nice row of small icons linking off to the social websites. See the image below for a comparison of the different icons.

3 Tried-n-True Ways to Decide Which Social Media Tools to Use
By Lani and Allen Voivod
At a recent Social Media-themed breakfast…