
Spam is Poetry
Well sort of, when you just get tired of spam take heart and…

When the Net Gives You SPAM Create Bad Poetry...
So what to do with all that spam? Well from time to time I use…

Today's Spam Poetry
With a bigger tool you can break not only hearts but also splits.

the most fabulous spam
You will have the most fabulous
Every extra inch in your pants…

Spam is such a Trial
Enjoy your Free Trial!
How do you feel
Innovative anti-virals!

When you care to see the best Spam Poetry
Image verification string missing
Complete Biography Who's Who

Poetry Today
a problem getting or keeping an erection
Sex can be one of the…

sexy creams and more
secrexen Don't Get Ripped Off
Found in the lush rainforests

The Only useful thing for Spam.
More Poetry
boost your sweet sexual times
be able to please…

Let the spam speak
You have recieved a E-Card from your friend.
With every extra…

A peom is a poem
raise your lover sexual event
boost your lover bed adventures

Creative License
heave your lover bed adventures
wholesome effect gtd.. awesome…