WordPress File Monitor Plus – WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 40
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This week I cover the fantastic plugin to monitor your files in your WordPress install. This plugin will help you keep an eye on your files for any unusual changed or additions to your site.
John’s Rant:
Fu****ing hackers well I spent the better part of a day lost to hackers
this is a musing though found in one of their files —- // This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited.
make sure to use the plugin WordPress File Monitor
Well you when they say it rains it pours well it has been pouring on me lately, not that I am complaining it is just making it difficult to do all the fun stuff like this podcast. In face my business has been picking up so nicely lately I have had to place clients into a 2 week wait list before I can get to their job it is actually a nice feeling.
When this keeps up long enough I may have to raise my rates, but the biggest benefit of this is that I get to choose my clients not take them because I am starving and need the work. I don’t have to discount anything it is all great.
Found on a different site another issue this times with wpsuper cache being hacked and them changing my htaccess and adding a rdirect to a f***ing zip file of some sort.
Shout Outs: One this week
Going out to the guys at Event Espresso thanks for your support this week while in the middle of site development.
World of WordPress News:
Great article on an exploit http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/hackers-attack-zero-day-flaw-in-wordpress-themes/9181
List of Plugins:
The paypal plugin for gravity forms works like a hotdamn
Discussion of the file monitor program for WordPress:
Author: Scott Cariss
WordPress.org Plugin Page »
Plugin Homepage »
Monitors your WordPress installation for added/deleted/changed files. When a change is detected an email alert can be sent to a specified address.
- Monitors file system for added/deleted/changed files
- Sends email when a change is detected
- Administration area alert to notify you of changes in case email is not received
- Ability to monitor files for changes based on file hash, time stamp and/or file size
- Ability to exclude files and directories from scan (for instance if you use a caching system that stores its files within the monitored zone)
- Site URL included in notification email in case plugin is in use on multiple sites
- Ability to run the file checking via an external cron so not to slow down visits to your website and to give greater flexibility over scheduling
- Ability to set file extension to be ignored or only scanned.
Some Terms here for plugins: Nothing special this week..
In closing here is what is coming in future podcasts:
Video Plugins
Membership Plugins
How to Contact Us:
Laura how can you be contacted:
on my website @ http://www.lauramathes.com/ or you can follow me on Twitter @Tefnuit
or even like me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/LauraMathescom
John can be contacted at:
on my website @ http://www.johnoverall.com/ or you can follow me on Twitter @Ahkonsu or even like me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/JohnOverallcom
Some of the music provided tonight from Mevio's Music Alley. Check it out at ‘music.mevio.com http://music.mevio.com
Hi John, I feel your anger for hackers, one of my sites got hit a couple of days ago… wish I had file monitor installed, but unfortunately it was one of my oldest sites that I don’t update often which was hit.
Got to learn the hard way I guess, won’t leave home without this installed in future.
Yes its the site we forget about that will get hit, so as a reminder to everyone else check your older sites and place this plugin in them.