WordPress Plugins A to Z Redirection, Bulk Content Movement, Vimeo
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WordPress Plugins from A to Z Episode 87
It’s Episode #87 and we’ve got plugins for Redirection, Bulk Content Movement, Vimeo integration, RSS imports and more. It’s the WordPress Plugins Podcast that other designers don’t want you to know about.. It’s WordPress Plugins A-Z!
WordPress Plugins AtoZ Podcast Can also be found at WPPluginsAtoZ.com
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Coming soon to a computer near you a WordPress Training the next Webinar will be happening end of September 20th at 7pm and will be covering SEO plugins for WordPress. Register here http://wppro.ca/webinars Do you need WordPress Emergency WordPress support for issues you know when you see the ever favorite White Screen of Death. Or just some questions on how to do something please visit WPPro.ca/emergency for some quick tips or request some help.
Marcus is looking for an intern to work on the Daily Plugin web site. This involves weekly site maintenance, blogging about wordpress news and helping to maintain the resource directory that is being compiled. There is an opportunity for revenue for a person who is willing to work hard to help grow and develop the brand. Contact marcus at his site, marcuscouch.com.
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Marcus Rants:
500 Errors
I was working on a client site and happened to be doing something that I haven’t yet had to do.. Create a new category. I decided to try this addition “in-post” and save some time. A second after I created the category, the whole site went to a 500 error. I refreshed.. Same thing. Switch browsers.. NOTHING. When times like this hit you as a designer or webmaster, its important to remember one important thing. DON’T PANIC! Sometimes WordPress is sensitive, like that old lamp you used to own with the electrical cord that had to be twisted in just the right way in order to get juice. But in this case, it’s a cord for every plugin you have installed!
So when this happens to you, work backwards and work from the root level. Head to your WordPress install via FTP. Rename your plugins folder to plugins-temp. See if that fixes it (it will trick WordPress and remove all active running plugins). If not, rename your .htaccess file (if you have one) to .htaccess-temp and then refresh after 10-15 seconds. Did that fix it? Great! Now rename your plugin folder back to just plain “plugins” and refresh. Still working? OK, then it’s something to do with a particular plugin interacting with your htaccess file.
In my case, this was a redirection plugin. There were existing 301 redirects in the .htaccess as well as a plugin in WordPress trying to 301 the same pages.
So in a nutshell.. 500 error.. reset your htaccess and rename your plugin folder. It’s a good first step to getting to the bottom of a problem.
World of WordPress News and other interesting WordPress related posts:
The Drop Shadow Boxes plugin that we both use and enjoy, as well as many of our listeners, has just been updated. The newest version (1.4) now allows you to place boxes side by side in posts, which is something that I have been bugging them about since I started using it. Good functionality improvement on a plugin with a 5 rating.
Blogrolls Gone in WordPress. How to Save Your Links.
**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by John**
Source Redirect Site 1.1.0
- Version: 1.1.0
- Author: Skashi and Lumo from Press Pixels
- Last Updated: 50 days ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 3.1 or higher
- Compatible up to: 3.4.2
- Downloaded: 2,666 times
- WordPress.org Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
Ok the problem I have a client who has 2 parked domains on top of his site and we need ssl to work properly on the main one so if someone came in through one of the other domains we needed to get them into site properly before anything else happened. While this is a great freemium plugin the free version was not what I needed so had to opt for the paid one at $20 which allows for custom redirection setup..
Rating 3 Dragons
Bulk Move 0.9
- Version: 0.9
- Author: Sudar
- Last Updated: 69 days ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 2.5 or higher
- Compatible up to: 3.4.2
- Downloaded: 15,167 times
- WordPress.org Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
I needed a simple way to bulk move lots of posts from an older category to a newer one. The plugin turned out to be a very nice way to bulk move posts to a new category. As a warning once you move them there is no easy way to move them back so make sure you want to move them.
Rating 4 Dragons
DM Albums 3.1.6
- Version: 3.1.6
- Author: Frank D. Strack
- Last Updated: 102 days ago
- Requires WordPress Version: 2.7 or higher
- Compatible up to: 3.3.2
- Downloaded: 93,642 times
- WordPress.org Plugin Page »
- Plugin Homepage »
The Lowdown:
I needed a simple but nice looking photo album aside from the built in for wordpress. I needed something easy to use modify and displays nicely. This plugin does the trick. Creating albums is done in your posts page area, you manage them there also. it auto sizes to your display page and is nicely responsive for mobile devices. it places the picture in the center with a film strip along the bottom so navigation to other images is simple and when clicked it opens in a centered window filling the screen again with filmstrip navigation. All in all very nice here. I did run into one issue though and that was a problem with filmstrip appearing in Firefox browser and it simply required a fix to the CSS but it did take me a few to find the issue so dropped a point for extra work.
Rating 3 dragons
**WordPress Plugins Reviewed by Marcus**
Developer Mode
Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.4.2
Last Updated: 2012-9-16
Downloads: 78
If you develop WordPress websites for your clients, this is the plugin for you! Developer Mode makes it possible to easily disable certain parts of the admin panel for your clients, while keeping full control over all admin panel functionality for yourself and other developers. For example, you can hide certain menu items for non-developer users and even hide certain plugins from the plugins overview page.
The Developer Mode plugin allows your clients to be presented with a clean WordPress admin interface with only the functionality they need – and nothing more. You don't want to allow your clients to fiddle with plugins, but you probably don't want them to mess with your Advanced Custom Fields or Option Tree settings either. Let Developer Mode do the dirty work for you, and clean up your client's admin interface with just a few mouse clicks!
Marcus’ Take: Let's face it: a big part of the WordPress admin panel is not suited for your clients. Some of your clients might not know enough about WordPress to have as many options as you as a developer need, and some parts of your website are just not meant to be tampered with by them. This is where the Developer Mode plugin steps in: it allows you to disable certain parts of the admin functionality in the admin panel, such as updating plugins, viewing menu items and disabling specific plugins.
Rating: 5 Dragons
Vimeo Channel Gallery
Requires: 2.8 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.4.2
Last Updated: 2012-9-16
Downloads: 113
Show a Vimeo video and a gallery of thumbnails for a Vimeo user channel. Vimeo Channel Gallery is a fork of YouTube Channel Gallery.
- Display latest thumbnail videos from Vimeo user channel.
- When you click on one of the thumbnails the video plays at the top.
- This plugin uses the Vimeo IFrame player API that allows Vimeo to serve an HTML5 player rather than a Flash player for mobile devices that do not support Flash.
- You can choose to use this plugin as a widget or as a shortcode.
- You can use multiple instances of the plugin on the same page.
Marcus’ Take: Naturally I’ve been looking for ways to propagate my new video project across multiple networks. Vimeo is a great network that is getting a lot of traction for high quality video hosting. This plugin has tested nicely thus far and might be the winner over youtube as my platform of choice. This plugin provided a lot of different options and could be a great addition to a client site that requires a lot of video elements to be presented without having to constantly embed new posts manually. The automation was fast and effective.
Rating: 4 Dragons
Requires: 3.2 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.4.2
Last Updated: 2012-9-17
Downloads: 64
Editorial support, very fast user interface to manually select and publish RSS streams to your WordPress site/blog.
Marcus’ Take: Though devoid of a proper description in the repository, this plugin will take the RSS feed from other sources and sites and post them as a draft on your wordpress installation. As a draft, you have the opportunity to edit and rewrite the posts as you see fit. I am using this to feed in WordPress related news to my new plugin site from about 20 different sources. After a healthy setup process, it worked like a charm. Even assigning custom post types and tags to specific feeds that I had indicated as such.
Rating: 4 Dragons
Special Mention Plugin to Watch:
Tweet Watcher
A WordPress plugin which authenticates with a number of Twitter accounts and watches their mention stream, firing actions for each mention.
Marcus Mention: This is a new plugin that is in development that really intrigues me. What could wordpress do based on a twitter trigger? I’ll be testing this out in the coming weeks and let you know what kind of results we have coming out of the plugin kitchen.
Not Rated yet
Just some reminders:
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What’s coming in future podcasts:
More Lazy Plugins
How to Contact Us:
John can be contacted at:
on my website @ http://www.johnoverall.com/
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Facebook at http://wppro.ca/facebook
email: john@wppro.ca
Marcus can be contacted at:
Marcus Couch can be contacted at his website at marcuscouch.com
Twitter @marcuscouch
Facebook at facebook.com/marcuscouch
email: marcus@wppluginsatoz.com