WordPress Fall Harvest it’s Reaping Time
WordPress is a fantastic CMS as all of you already know that…

WordPress News & Tips #2 - Convert Your OSCommerce Store to Wordpress
Converting and e store like OSCommerce to WordPress WP E-Commerce…

The New WordPress iOS App
I saw the new WordPress iOS app announced as coming when I watched…

WordPress News & Tips #1
Welcome to the first issue of WordPress news & Tips.

State of the Word 2012
This is the state of the Word Address from WordCamp San Fransisco…

WordPress Visual Editor Missing Button and White Text Issue
How I solved the missing editor buttons and white text in or…

You have a Great WordPress website. So why isn’t up to to date?
It is very important that you keep your WordPress website up…

WordCamp Victoria 2012 -- Special Episode of WordPress Plugins from A to Z #57
This is a special episode of the WordPress Plugins from A to…

WordPress 3.2 is here now!!
Well it came almost on cue for what I predicted a couple day…

WordPress 3.1.3 Securty Update Released
WordPress release a new security update today, seems they have…

Why WordPress is Not For You!!!
So after seeing many articles on why WordPress is the greatest…